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Effective date : April 29, 2021

The 90-day grace period to apply for a permit, upgrade indoor caging, and have any qualifying animals PIT tagged ended: July 28, 2021

The 180-day grace period to upgrade outdoor caging requirements for Prohibited reptile species ended: October 26, 2021

Persons or businesses in possession of the recently listed Prohibited reptiles for commercial sale use had until July 28, 2021 to liquidate their inventory in Florida. These species may not be possessed for commercial sale purposes in Florida after July 28, 2021, except green iguanas or tegus possessed by qualifying entities under a limited exception commercial use permit.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a researcher, you must apply for a free CSP for research use. If you already have a current CSP, then you can submit a request to have it amended. Permits are only issued to facilities meeting the requirements of Rule 68-5.007, F.A.C.

Yes. Qualifying researchers, AZA or ZAA accredited institutions, or members of federal, state, county or tribal agencies may apply for a Conditional/Prohibited/Nonnative Species permit use that may authorize the use of Prohibited species for control purposes using telemetry. Any permits for Prohibited species control projects using telemetry must include a detailed project proposal that meets the criteria in Rule 68-5.007(3)(b)2.

We have additional information and FAQ pages set up for the following topics:

Invasive Reptile Rule Changes

Pet Owners

Commercial Sellers

